Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables are a necessary part of the healthy diet. In general, the more you can consume the better.

There are three reasons why you should eat fruit and vegetables

They provide fiber, and many minerals and important vitamins
They are usually low in calories and the fat

They give safety from cancer and other diseases

What counts?

Fresh, restricted and in-season fruit and vegetables are best and can be great value

Eat a mixture of different colors – green, yellow, orange, red and purple – to benefit from the variety of vitamins and minerals they give

Frozen, tinned, dried, juices in addition to smoothies also add up towards your five a day

Maximum value fruit juices or smoothies to one little glass a day

How much should I eat?

Plan to eat five or more portions a day.

Fruits and Vegetables are good for your health.

For more info visit our blog.

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